2 Kool 4 Scool  


My business professor was really not happy with me this morning, readers. He led me on for a good minute and a half, intentionally giving me the distinct impression that I had automatically failed the exam by missing it. It became apparent very quickly that he was just guilt tripping me, which I suppose he had every right to do. But I feel pretty awesome, because I was ready to walk out of there with a zero and he stopped me to let me know I could make it up. And I DID. Pretty sure I got 90-something, too. We'll find out on Wednesday.

In other academic news, my CIS teacher is a damn suave man, readers. He has this quirk, as all teachers develop, where he'll take off his glasses and narrow his eyes to affirm a point. It absolutely does not matter what content he's dealing with or what notion he's trying to convey, if he feels that the gravity of the situation warrants it, he will pull a reverse-Caruso and remove his glasses and narrow his eyes. And by god, it works. You can feel the room leaning forward to hang on his every word, no matter what he's saying.

"And this is an important piece," he starts, gesturing towards the Whiteboard. "You will never..." he pauses, removing his glasses and furrowing his brow, "...deal with data tables the same way again."

P.S. the water main broke and the north building had to be completely evacuated just as I was sitting down to start an English exam. Coincidence? My apparent newfound psychokinetic abilities say otherwise.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 7, 2009 at 11:54 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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